Review: Affaire Royale by Nora Roberts

Affaire Royale (Cordina #1) (Language of Love #35 - Honeysuckle)Title: Affaire Royale
Author:  Nora Roberts
Series: Cordina
Publisher: Silhouette
Format: ebook
ISBN: 0373510357
Genre: Romance
Release date: October 1st 1993
Number of pages: 218

Every inch a princess, Gabriella had been found crumpled and unconscious on the side of the road. Now she was supposedly safe, with her royal family she didn’t remember…and a darkly handsome detective she’d never forget.

Reeve MacGee had given her memories to treasure, but would he proved her with a brokenhearted future?


First book in this series, but I didn’t like this cover!! I liked the plot about a princess with amnesia and a sexy bodyguard helping her keep save and very happy. Reeve had he’s troubles with Cordina way of royalty but loved Gabriella for so long, that an attempt to kill her was all it took for him to jump and help.
I liked this book, because we could met and love Brie without all the pretense of royalty. She wanted to rediscover herself and work to remember how kidnapped her in the first place.
She’s really sweet, but with a lot of obligations and good head to help people. Reeve was just a guy trying to re-start in life, for years he worked on security and was once a cop, but now he wants to be a farmer and watch life pass very calmly.
The romance and action were really good, because we could follow as Brie was discovering things and she’s really smart despise having been protected since child. The family was trying to hide some bad things, but Brie fought hard to know the truth.


#1 – Affaire Royale
#2 – Command Performance
#3 – The Playboy Prince
#4 – Cordina’s Crown Jewel