Review and Virtual Book Tour for Meeting Destiny by Nancy Straight

Meeting Destiny (Destiny, #1)Title: Meeting Destiny
Author: Nancy Straight
Format Read: ebook
Series: Destiny #1
Publisher:  Nancy Straight
Genre: Young Adult
Release date: June 26th 2010
Formats Available: paperback, ebook, kindle
Number of pages: 296




Book Blurb:

Lauren is visited in her dreams for years by a stranger claiming to be her destiny. Destiny becomes reality when paths cross during a failed robbery attempt. Lauren and the stranger experience chemistry like no other and now her doubt over her long time relationship with her high school sweetheart is not her only secret…someone else knows about her keen intuition and sixth sense.A mysterious clairvoyant seeks Lauren out and tells her not only of her life now but what the future may hold. Soon Lauren is in the middle of a murder investigation and a questionable friendship with the key suspect. Law enforcement, friends and family are concerned for Lauren but unfortunately they are unaware of the true danger…Sinister forces are at work and will stop at nothing to destroy Lauren’s abilities.

My Thoughts:

I liked several parts of this book but others just didn’t set right for me.

Let’s start with the good ones: the destiny and soul mates was really good and I was trying to anticipate until the end how Lauren would handle things; the author explained really well the settings and how the people around Lauren were responsible for her actions along with her, and the sense like everyone is important for a reason was really good; Max was another great character, he’s young and tormented by some things that happened in his past and still tries to find he’s place, like he’s lost without he’s soul mate.

Other things weren’t good for me: Lauren can’t see her future but she senses some things form people around her, like good or bad vibes and I didn’t like how her friend just couldn’t trust her after everything that happened; Lauren’s best-friend he sounds like a champion, especially when he start to try manipulate her, not quite right for me; the last chapter was a big no from me, because it was unexpected and seriously could you see that happening and accept, I just didn’t; the author could have used better the help from those “guardians”, I feel like those are really interesting persons and the voices could have guided Lauren a bit better.

Books in this Series:

#1 – Meeting Destiny
#2 – Destiny’s Revenge
#3 – Destiny’s Wrath

Today I welcome author Nancy Straight here at Book Travels. She will do an special guest post telling all about the beautiful cover.


Thanks so much for hosting the Meeting Destiny tour!  I’m thrilled to be here!

I commissioned Meeting Destiny’s cover with Dreamscape Covers. We started with the model. Dreamscape sent me pictures of over 100 different models to choose from – all of them were drop dead gorgeous. The model on Meeting Destiny’s cover is Mihaela Voicu, I believe she lives in Romania. When I saw her photograph – I didn’t really even notice the other 99 models, she was exactly how I pictured the main character, Lauren.

One of the elements of Meeting Destiny’s plot was that Max first came to Lauren in a dream. It seemed only fitting that the model be lying down, eyes-open, thinking about the dream – this was the image I wanted the cover to convey.

Dreamscape Covers contacted Mihaela and asked for more photographs, we used her on the Destiny’s Revenge and the Destiny’s Wrath covers, too.

If there are any authors out there looking for an amazing company to work with for cover design – I highly recommend Dreamscape Covers. They listened to exactly what I wanted and exceeded my expectations!

clip_image002[9]Meeting Destiny Nancy Straight 
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy, Male/Female, Romance, Young Adult 
ISBN: 9781468121377
eBook, paperback, kindle
Published June 26th 2010 PhotobucketPhotobucket

Lauren is visited in her dreams for years by a stranger claiming to be her destiny. Destiny becomes reality when paths cross during a failed robbery attempt. Lauren and the stranger experience chemistry like no other and now her doubt over her long time relationship with her high school sweetheart is not her only secret…someone else knows about her keen intuition and sixth sense.A mysterious clairvoyant seeks Lauren out and tells her not only of her life now but what the future may hold. Soon Lauren is in the middle of a murder investigation and a questionable friendship with the key suspect. Law enforcement, friends and family are concerned for Lauren but unfortunately they are unaware of the true danger…Sinister forces are at work and will stop at nothing to destroy Lauren’s abilities.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Nancy was born in Sioux City Iowa, left the cold of the Midwest in 1991 and only returns to see family in the summer time. She spent ten years traveling the world as a US Marine and settled in rural SC with her husband, two children and three dogs.  She enjoys RVing with her family, writing Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy and reading all types of Paranormal and Young Adult literature.
