Booking Throught Thursday #9

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

What’s the hardest/most challenging book you’ve ever read? Was it worth the effort? Did you read it by choice or was it an assignment/obligation?

The answer: 

The Lord of the rings, I bought the three books in one edition in full english, and it was my first book in english. I already knew a lot about english, but is a big book and the author has created a whole world of mitic creature. It was my choice and I don’t regreat it, cause it make reading a lot more easy after I finish this one. 

Booking Throght Thursday #8

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

Do your reading habits change when you’re on vacation? Do you read more? Do you indulge in lighter, fluffier books than you usually read? Do you save up special books so you’ll be able to spend real vacation time with them? Or do you just read the same old stuff, vacation or not?

The answer: 

They do change, if I’m home a read a hole lot more. Cause if I’m traveling there’s not enough baggage for all my books. I usually do pick anything special, the new releases mostly are top, or just some books that are on my TBR for awhile.

Booking Through Thursday #7

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

If you could get a sequel for any book, what would it be?

The answer: 

The truth is I want a spin-off, but it could be considerate a sequence. In the last chapter of Harry Potter and the deatly hallows we get a glipse of the future and I want a story about the kids. I know an author made one series of books about James Potter, but I want them all together. Imagine hoe much trouble they’ll get into.

See ya next post! 

Booking Through Thursday #6

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

What’s the oddest book you’ve ever read? Did you like it? Hate it? Did it make you think?

The answer: 

That’s a trick question. I read different kinds of books. So usually to be odd for me are the non fiction or psicologycal books. Cause the rest is like, et to vampires, to wolfs, all crazy things. I like this type so I stick to it, don’t push my luck to read the different from this ones.

See ya next post!  

Booking Through Thursday #5

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

1. What do you think of reading aloud/being read to? Does it bring back memories of your childhood? Your children’s childhood?
2. Does this affect the way you feel about audio books?
3. Do you now have times when you read aloud or are read to?

The answer: 

I love to read the book myself, when I was young my sister used to read for me, but now I don’t like being read to, it feels to me strange, and it get distractive.
I don’t really like the audiobooks for the same reason, but I like to feel the real book, even if is in a ereader, it’s like the same size, so it makes more real, than listen to just a voice.
I love to read aloud some caracthers in a book, but just for myself, maybe even when I write the reviews, you can hear me talking while thinking for the best way to explain something.

See ya next post! 

Booking Through Thursday #4

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

Do you carry books with you when you’re out and about in the world?
And, do you ever try to hide the covers?

The answer: 

I always carry some books with me, and never hide any cover. I usually have nothing to hide, cause the most sexy covers are from some ebooks that I buy. The normal books are the only ones that ever have a release on my country. 

See ya next post!

Booking Though Thursday #3

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

The Question:

Have you ever finished a book and loved it so much you went right back and started re-reading it again?
(And obviously, if so, we want titles!)

The answer: 

Yes, but it was a long time ago. When I was younger and started the Harry Potter series I couldn’t put it down. So when I finish one and had to wait until the next release, I started to re-read every book again. That went for a while until I discover other series that kept me motivaded.

See ya next post!

Booking Through Thursday Queue

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

What are you reading now?

Would you recommend it?

And what’s next?

Right now I’m reading Love Story from Jennifer Echols. It’s the third book this week and I’m really in the beginning and it sounds good, sweet, lovely.

I recommend to anyone who likes a romance with a touch of sexyness.

Next book for this week, I expect is Catching Fire form Suzanne Collins, is the second book in The Hunger Games.

See ya next post!

Booking Through Thursday Stormy Weather

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading, hosted in Booking Through Thursday.

What’s your book with weather events? Hurricanes? Tornadoes? Blizzards? Real? Fiction? Doesn’t matter … weather comes up a lot in books, so there’s got to be a favorite somewhere, huh?

I’ve never read any books about this subject, shocking, so I went in search today around the blogosphere for books that I might like and came up with two series. One I’m not so sure it could be consider weather, it’ called Heat by Judy Mays. There fives books, I’ll leave to you guys the cover and I link to goodreads, so you can see if you’ll like.
Perfumed Heat (Heat #1)
by Judy Mays
The start of the Heat series!

Since the death of his mate, Artemis Gray has desired no other to take her place. Then Moira Archer, a human, enters his life. Her rich, earthy scent, combined with the perfume she wears, entice’s him. The werewolf in his soul awake as and howls in triumph-“Mine”!

 In the heat of the night(Heat #2)
by Judy Mays
Second in the Heat series, Serena Wilde was anything but serene. The full moon was tonight. She had to get away, or she’d be far wilder than her sexy boss could ever anticipate. Why in the world did he have to demand that she show up for a meeting about a new breeding program now? Dr. Kearnan Gray might be an expert on wolves, but he didn’t know a damn thing about werewolve.

A Midsummer Night’s Heat (Heat #3)
by Judy Mays
Third story in the Heat series.Belle can finally take a vacation. Her father Artemis is happily married again, and more than capable of managing the family business without her for a few weeks.Alex may be Alpha of his Pack, but he lost the woman he expected to marry to another werewolf. One whose werewolf father had mated a real wolf, then taught their cubs to assume human.
 Solstice Heat (Heat #4)
by Judy Mays

Eileen, Eileen, Eileen. Her name pounded through Garth’s veins as he ran towards her cabin. Years ago, her parents had torn her from his arms, spirited her away in the dead of night, and disappeared. Now, he’d found her again. All these years, he’d never forgotten her sure that he’d find her again. Soon she’d be in his arms again.
 Fires of Solstice (Heat #5)
by Judy Mays  
Feral Fascination The wild is calling, where creatures- animal, human, and a bit of both- run free on moonlit nights, where love enflames the savage beast and predators claim their mates with teeth and claws. The magic of the night can be a curse or a secret bond, can claim you with fierce love or make you a captive in a were’s lair….
 Undercover Heat (Heat #6)
by Judy Mays
Melody Gray has a dilemma, two of them really.
First, a CIA agent name Nick Price has appeared at her detective agency looking for a former client of hers named Jake Fields. According to Price, his real name is Nick Hurley, and he’s embezzled a lot of money from the CIA.
I’ve discovered another series by Rachel Caine called Weather Warden, I’ll leave you guys with the link.
See ya next post!