First Line Friday #8

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. We encourage all of our fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.

  • Grab your current read(s)
  • Share the first line(s)
  • Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists


“How did it happen this time?”
Henry tensed at the sound of her voice, and he tore his eyes away from the lifeless body on the bed long enough to look at her. Diana stood in the doorway, his best friend, his confidante, his family in every way except by blood, but even her presence didn’t help rein in his temper.

A cute book so far, and is my TBRIC for the week, I tend to let it wait until the lest minute, lol. This one is The Goddess Test from Aimée Carter, first in Goddess Test series.